Got Married. Still Giving Music. 69 Free Songs!

Maggie and Southpaw at their wedding ceremony
A beautiful, whip-smart young woman named Maggie recently became my wife on a perfect Texas day.
(Click the pic for a better view. Check out that rainbow! And bride! And acoustic guitars!)
I met her after a 2006 show at Cafe Mundi in Austin.
Some of the music on this site gave us something to talk about that night.
I will never write enough songs to make sense of the dream that my life with her has become.
I’m sorry I didn’t invite you all to the wedding. I looked into it. But no.
To make up for this slight, I am STILL giving away 69 Free Songs.
Seven of these recordings have not been previously released. Find ’em!
You can now download the 69 individually, or snag one big zip file by joining the mailing list.

Please add them to your collection, listen to them, and share them with friends. I hope you enjoy them.
It’s the least I can do to thank the muse, music, musicians, inspirations, venues, and you, the listener.
If you are so moved, I won’t stop you from donating to the simple PayPal Tip Jar.
[donateplus]Thanks for being a part of this wonderful thing that led to The Wonderful Thing.
Please do not reject or neglect love today or any day, you big jerk.

You’ve Got Charm

do not drink and write and record unless you can do it all in one sitting like i did yesterday.

maggie and i are going to mexico for our honeymoon, so i bought a yamaha guitalele to play on the beach. but i couldn’t wait to play it.

this song came out of it.